was originally founded for the purpose of introducing
an individual to another individual (astra - Greek for "star")
who was astrologically compatible (star mate) to
his/her own energy patterns. This selective merger of energy was
to establish harmonious love relationships. Astrologers believe
it is possible to know and understand the Self and others
based on the Sun Sign, revealing the basic temperament.
The Sun Sign combined with the symbolic meanings of the remaining
planets comprise the total personality. However, to attract
harmonious relationships, it is essential that we first become
aware of our own inner partner that is responsible for all
of our projections and difficulties in relationships. It is my
endeavor to inform people of this concept.
It is indeed
possible that our shift in consciousness, to which astrology has
coined "The Aquarian Age", has as one of its central
motifs, a striving toward inner knowledge - a knowledge that
would complement the emphasis on external knowledge already very
familiar to us. Our current time spirit seems to be deeply
concerned with self-understanding and a search for meaning and
for many seekers, may not seem to be in any way connected with
the changing of our consciousness and the difficulties we
experience in our relationships. Yet, our moral standards have
dissolved and have become meaningless, family bonding has
dissipated, and current sexual behavior has taken new twists and
turns. Even the controversy around sex education in our schools
is an issue which centers around relating, as is the question of
abortion. All of these universal principles and controversial
issues reflect our inner confusion and turmoil about Self, life,
purpose, God and humanity.
Under its present
name, psychology is a very new science, and in many ways,
it has much to learn about the brain and the psyche. Yet
psychology is one of the few reliable maps we have to turn to in
these times of crisis. In the deepest sense, psychology has
existed for a long time under other names, the earliest of which,
perhaps, was Astrology. This may be more surprising to
psychologists than to anyone else, but the word psychology
derives from two Greek words - psyche, which means soul, and
logos, which means wisdom. The study of the human soul was the
province of Astrology long before it became the province
of anything else.
No doubt, the
present search for more meaningful values and greater
understanding of the psyche coincides with the emergence of
interest in ancient esoteric studies which are significant of the
same quest.